09 Sep, Mon
10 AM
09 Sep, Mon
09 PM
5 Guests
(5+ Years)


Living Room
Bedroom 1
Bedroom 2
Bedroom 3
Bedroom 4
  • Parking Facility
  • Private Swimming Pool
  • Private Garden Area
  • Home theatre
  • Barbeque
  • Wifi
  • Food Delievery(Paid)
  • Bonfire(Paid)
  • Washing Machine
  • CCTV Security
  • Outdoor sofa chair
  • Outside table
  • Live Chef(Paid)
  • Music System
  • Pick Up & Drop(Paid)
  • Water facility
  • Shower Area
  • Outdoor Theater
  • Barbeque(Paid)
  • Air Conditioner
  • Chairs
  • Music System
  • Ceiling Fan
  • Indian Sitting
  • Television(USB Only)
  • Bathroom
  • Home theater system
  • Side table
  • Double Bed
  • Refrigerator
  • Sofa Cum Bed
  • Water Facility
  • Gas Bottle
  • lighter
  • Double Bed
  • Fan
  • Bathroom
  • Geyser
  • Air Conditioner
  • Television
  • Shower
  • Sofa
  • Glass Mirror
  • Wardrobe
  • Sofa cum bed
  • Bathroom
  • Double Bed
  • Air Conditioner
  • Fan
  • Geyser
  • Wardrobe
  • Bathroom
  • Double Bed
  • Air Conditioner
  • Fan
  • Shower
  • Geyser
  • Wardrobe
  • Television
  • Dressing table
  • Bathroom
  • Double Bed
  • Air Conditioner
  • Fan
  • Shower
  • Geyser
  • Wardrobe
  • Glass Mirror

Listing FAQ's


Is there private adult swimming pool? If yes, so what’s size of pool?

25 Ft *20 Ft *5 Ft


Is there private kid swimming pool? If yes, so what’s size of pool?



Is there common adult swimming pool? If yes, so what’s size of pool?



Is there common kid swimming pool? If yes, so what’s size of pool?



What kind of water is in the swimming pool?



How many cotton mattresses (Gadda) are providing?(On bed)



How many extra cotton mattresses (Gadda) are available?



How many total pillows?



How many blankets are available?



How many chairs, tables are given?

15 tables, 40 chairs


How many traditional khatiya are there?



What kind of provision of TV facility?

Usb/mobile connection


What kind of water facility is available?

Ro plant


How many total bedrooms are in the property?

4 Ac room+ 1 Ac living room


Is food available on the spot or pre-ordered required?

Pre ordered required


How many swings are provided?



What’s mosquitos’ solution available?

All out


How many halls are in the property?



What is extra charge for extra mattresses?



What capacity of parking is provided?

8 to 10 cars


For how many person vessels will be provided?

For 50 to 60 persons.


How much time Swimming pool takes to fill up?

10 to 12 hrs


Is there any Gazebo area in the property?



Is there any extra charge for gas bottle?



Have we private cafeteria or common?



Is there film, model, song, short film – shootings allow?



Is there any extra charge for shooting in club house or common area?


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